
Sophos UTM Running Slow

 We have our Sophos Appliance SG330 running for over a month now and it is running slow.  Users are experiencing slow internet access.

We had upgraded our Sophos UTM 425 to the newer SG Series.  And this saw a slight improvement.  The SG series is supposed to be the fastest UTM on the block.  It’s a big step up from the older version UTM 425.
In our office, we have about 150 users and I don’t think they all access the internet at the same time. 
We are only doing single scan (sophos scan) and no Avira Scan.
Users are experiencing marked slowness when browsing the internet.  Just going to normal sites, like cnn.com, yahoo.com, google.com, etc. are all super slow.  Going to any https site is even slower.

A few times during the day we can’t get to the internet at all.  But I can ping google, yahoo, etc.  We just can’t browsed to any site using any web browser.
Our internet speed to the internet is over 100Mbps.  We don’t use more than 20mbps at any particular time.
The browser would hang for 20 seconds and all of a sudden, it loads and we can access the internet again.
It seems to happen a few times a day.  Like I said pings to the internet is okay, it never timeout, but no user can browsed to the internet.
It seems that the Sophos UTM is not able to handle the load.  According to the Sophos Sizing Guide, it should be able to handle 400 users with ALL UTM Module subscriptions enabled.

So, today we upgraded the firmware of our Sophos SG330 from 9.201-23 to Current firmware version: 9.203-3.
We also changed the Sophos HA mode from Active/Standby to Active/Active.  In my next post, I will describe how to upgrade to an Active/Active configuration.

So far, after a few hours, users are saying they see faster internet access.  No complaints yet. 
Will give an update in a week.  Wanted to let it baked in and see user experience.

See updated post:  Sophos UTM Running Slow 2


  1. It did not work for us also. We have the Sophos SG210 with 20 users and when we browse the internet it is super slow. When we turn off the UTM web filtering, internet browsing is instant. It's fast. We're running Firmware version: 9.203-3.

    At this moment, I'm thinking of taking out Sophos completely.

  2. BCTech9/16/2014

    There is definitely a misconfiguration somewhere. I have clients with UTM220's with over 100 people on the wireless and everything runs smoothly.

    The SG330 is more than capable of handling 150 users. Are you noticing high CPU and memory usage on SG unit?

    1. No high utilizations. The CPU is always around 15%, Memory is always around 25%. I upgraded to Firmware version: 9.205-12 and fixed it. 80% of the license features were enable. A few of their senior engineers looked at it and were aware of the slow internet browsing before the fix. THey just said wait for the newer code.
